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Who even is Tahoe Tessie Trading Post?

Good question! Nobody can say....

One thing is for sure, we know stuff. Some would say a lot of stuff... and we created Tahoe Tessie Trading Post to share that stuff with those who desire to know.

Don't think that carrot big because carrot big leaf because small leaf carrot big not leaf big size.

The more you know, are knowing what you are knowing, and the more your brain size and your head size big... ...the less you need to say to talk in argument with other peoples with smaller brain head shouting.

Tahoe Tessie Trading Post Store

The T-Post Mission Statement

Come as you are with your mind open and your eyes in the moment. Leave the places you go better than when you arrived. People over profits, love over hate, and where did I leave my fucking glasses?

Some of the things we value


We are fans of just about anything that is done with passion, skill, and a humble heart. We strive to offer products and services that reflect these values.


We're deeply rooted in the Lake Tahoe community. Born at Barton, and lifelong residents, we adore supporting local artists, makers, and environmental initiatives.


We're committed to promoting sustainable practices and products that help preserve the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe.

A few of the goons behind all this

Tim Enterline

Tim Enterline

Founder & CEO

Tim founded Tahoe Tessie Trading Post with a passion for outdoor adventure and a commitment to the local community.

Jared Letendre

Jared Letendre

Chief Technology Officer

Jared builds and and maintains our technology stack using the same high standards of customer service you have come to expect.

Dr. Artimeus Farticus IV esq.

Dr. Artimeus Farticus IV esq.

Head Artsy Fartsy

The fartsiest artsy you never knew you needed.

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Discover the Tahoe Tessie Trading Post experience and become part of our story, you won't regret it, guaranteed...probably.

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